"You can Goats your own way"

Thelma, Louise, Dorothy & blanchE
We were recently advised that a home owner's property had become overrun with chickens and roosters.  It was reported that over a hundred fowl were seen daily roosting in the trees and scratching around the yard for food. When we talked to the owner he stated that he was willing to surrender a few of his chickens to us, in hopes of providing them a safer and healthier environment.  At this juncture we have adopted Thelma (a black hen) and Louise (a brown hen) and we are  continuing to talk with the owner about rescuing a few more from his large brood.  Stay tuned for additional updates! Blanche, Rose and Dorothy have now joined Thelma and Louise at the sanctuary.  They are all one year old hens and they were rescued from the same location as Thelma and Louise.  We are continuing to work with the owner to rescue a couple more of the hens from his large brood. 
"Bad to better"

Arrived at Joplin's Sanctuary on July 9th, after initially spending time at the wonderful New Moon Farm Rescue facilities in Arlington, WA. http://www.newmoonfarm.org  (click on link) They will be permanent residents at Joplin's Sanctuary.


She was initially rescued in June 2013 from an owner who had been irresponsible in over-breeding.  When the owner did not properly separate the young males from her herd she quickly ended up with a herd of 20 goats rather than six goats which she started with and she was totally overwhelmed.  The rescue agreed to help her re-home the goats if she had her male goats castrated and stopped breeding her goats.  When that condition was met, Sally and the other goats were rescued and now Sally is happily re-homed at Joplin's.

Errol & Kevin

Are brothers and were severely neglected when seized by animal control officers and brought to New Moon Farm Rescue in October 2012.  Both were fully intact bucks and extremely filthy.  They were infested with worms, lice and had never had their hooves trimmed.Today we are happy to report that they have joined Sally in their new home and are roaming around the pastures at Joplin's Sanctuary where they continue to blossom as highly social and well behaved goats.

Locked In, "what would you do?"

During the short hot spell we had in May, we received a call from a woman stating that a woman in her housing complex had been keeping a dog in a crate inside of her car   for the past six months.  Although the woman took the dog for a walk twice a day and was feeding/watering it, the reporting person was concerned about the dog’s well being. The reporting person stated she didn’t want to have problems with her neighbor but was still concerned about the dog.  We received the address of the dog’s owner from the reporting person and said we would check out the situation. When we arrived at the scene we were able to look inside of the car and see the dog peering sadly back at us from inside his crate. Fortunately the car’s windows were rolled down and the owner of the car had a small fan on the dashboard of the car circulating air through the car.  It was apparent that the owner was trying to care for the dog. We subsequently found and talked to the reported owner and discovered that the dog belonged to a friend of hers who had been deployed to the middle east. She stated that she had been trying to find the dog a loving home and that the true owner was willing to surrender the dog to a good home if one could be found. We worked with the woman to immediately get the dog into a quality foster home and we discovered that the dog was extremely well trained, affectionate and a joy to be around despite his recent ordeal. Within a week we were able to locate the perfect home for the dog and he now resides on a small farm with two other dogs and is actively engaged with the other animals on the farm on a daily basis.

Ewe came to help us

We were called out to a pasture northeast of Redmond where two young lambs had been orphaned.  The reporting person indicated that their mother had met her demise due to a predator attack. Upon arriving at the site we found the lambs and another ewe and her lamb lying in the pasture. Upon further investigation we discovered that the owner of the sheep was renting the pasture but no one had been able to locate him. Fearing that the lambs and ewe were not safe, the owner of the land gave us permission to go onto the property and move them to a temporary safe environment until the owner could be located. The two orphaned lambs received special attention (i.e. love and care) to ensure that they continued to be healthy and safe. Approximately two weeks later we were able to communicate with the owner and the lambs and ewe were movedto a permanent home where they are doing well.


In late April we were contacted by a mother who stated that her young daughter had just witnessed a young kitten being dumped in the yard of an vacated house. The daughter said that she had seen the car stop in front of the house down the street.  A person then opened the door and tossed the kitten out on the curb. The young girl said that she had tried to get the kitten but it had run back into the yard and had hidden beneath the abandoned house. When we arrived on the scene later that afternoon we at first did not see the kitten and we weren’t sure whether it was still on the property or not. Fortunately after about a half hour the kitten emerged from behind the house and sat in the sun cautiously watching us. We could tell that it was scared so we decided to set up a trap loaded with wet cat food and let the kitten come to us. We left the trap in place at around five that evening and returned at ten p.m. to find our kitten safely inside the trap.  It obviously had been hungry. Once we had a chance to handle the kitten we found that she was very affectionate, purred loudly and was obviously happy to be in a safe place. Over the next two weeks we had her thoroughly checked out by a veterinarian, vaccinated and spayed.  We are happy to say that she is now thriving a wonderful loving home and purring even louder.

              For the love of


An animals heart is crying out to you!

Just Ducky...Duck tales
"No Horsing Around"
Approximately nine weeks ago we were called into a remote location in northwestern Washington by neighbors of a man who was said to be“starving his horses to get back at his wife/ex-wife”.  When we arrived on the scene we found the two horses pictured below and two additional Morgans were living in a pasture where there was literally no grass or feed and a total lack of water.  The body scores of the horses ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 (on the Henneke scale) whereas a 5.0 rating is ideal.  (Note: please see the article in our educational materials section on understanding horse neglect and abuse).