For the love of


"Please feel free to spread the word amongst your friends regarding the free downloads of these documents."

 Find your inner power by helping animals!

In the heat of summer  


During the hot/humid days of summer our pets become much more susceptible to heatstroke... which can result in major permanent injuries or even death.  Unfortunately we have been called in to aid in the rescue of animals that are experiencing life threatening heatstroke related conditions.  Most of these incidents could have been prevented or minimized if their owners had been more aware of the dangers of heatstroke and had taken the necessary precautions to protect their pets.  We hope this article will be helpful in creating awareness as to the dangers of heatstroke and what precautions and signs we should be aware of. 

cat Talk

When dealing with people/children who are not familiar with cats or kittens we often notice that they do not pick up on the body talk or signs that cats/kittens give us when we approach them.  This two part document (illustrated pictorial and descriptions along with a related quiz) hopefully provides the reader with some additional insight into "cat talk".  Additionally we hope this information provides information that will help alleviate stressful situations for felines and also help eliminate unnecessary incidents where cat scratches/bites can occur.

The documents within this section include information and observations based upon our experience in animal rescue, rehabilitation and handling.  These documents are being provided at no cost to interested parties.  If you find the information of value, we of course would appreciate receiving

a donation from you to assist us in our on-going rescue efforts. Also please feel free to contact us if you have further questions regarding the

content of these documents. Please be sure to check back with us for new articles and documents.  It is our intent to update this section frequently

with new educational materials.  If you would like us to consider a "humane education topic", please drop us an email using the email form in the

Make A Difference section of our website!

MIRacle of Making a chicken Egg


"When visitors and volunteers are around the rescued chicken coop and house at the sanctuary we get a wide variety of questions regarding the

chickens and roosters. Below is a list of some of the most frequently asked questions. Let's see how well you do on answering them!
1. Can hens lay eggs without a rooster?
2. How does an egg get inside of a chicken? ( a common asked questions by young children)
3. How is an egg fertilized?  Does the rooster sit on the eggs too?
4. Does a rooster have a penis?
5. Can you tell if an egg is fertilized when it is laid?
6. How long is the incubation period for a chicken egg?

Equine neglect and abuse

Historically we have been contacted by a large number of concerned individuals regarding "skinny" or "starving" horses and other equines. Often times when we have followed up, we have found that there are various circumstances or factors that makes the animal appear undernourished or neglected but the animal in question is healthy and receiving adequate food/water and veterinary care.  With that said, there certainly have been times when the equine is being neglected and we do appreciate the concern on the part of the reporting party.  We hope that the following document provides education and insights into how we, veterinarians, law enforcement officers and the courts evaluate and score equine body condition using the Henneke Body Score System and other tools. We feel the more people understand the various tests and factors that influence body score the better we are able to serve the animals and work with veterinarians and law enforcement in our area.

Don't Be Cruel

"Help Stop Animal Cruelty"

Joplin's Sanctuary and Animal Rescue historically has worked with both the general public and law enforcement agencies to rescue and provide a temporary or permanent home for animals rescued from animal cruelty situations. In working with various people we are often asked "how can we help stop the cycles of animal abuse, neglect and abandonment?" The downloadable article provided here will give you some insights into what everyone can do to help stop animal cruelty.

TakE a hike!...TRASH

After initially publishing the document regarding "Litter and Trash At The Beach" we received several requests for a similar article regarding "Litter and Trash in our parks/forests and along our hiking trails". The downloadable document below provides an elementary school view of the problem and its  possible impact on the animals that live in those environments.

Trash talk

Here at Joplin's Sanctuary we continue to be concerned with what we are doing to our planet and the various delicate ecosystems within which we live. 

As you will see on the website we have been involved in several major rescue efforts in marine ecosystems.  But unfortunately we also often see "disaster zones" caused by trash/litter every time we go to the beach and these are present every day.  You might also be surprised by the number of dogs and even horses that are hurt each year at the beach due to litter and trash. As a result we wanted to provide a simple document for parents/teachers to use to describe and discuss the impact of trash/litter on our beaches/ocean fronts and the marine life that lives there.